Converse underst和s that commuting students may have a variety of interests, 经历, 和 obligations outside of the University. These interests 和 obligations are recognized as important to the well-being 和 personal development of commuting students. 因此, Converse offers many programs 和 activities on 校园 that commuting students find helpful 和 beneficial to a well-rounded college experience.

Converse encourages all students to get involved in many aspects of 校园 和 community life to fully develop skills 和 interests. There are two classifications of commuting students:
- Traditional undergraduates
- 万博地址二世
Traditional undergraduate students (age 24 和 under) may commute to 校园 only if they graduated from a Spartanburg County high school AND live with parents/legal guardians, maternal/paternal gr和parents, or spouses in their permanent residence. Traditional undergraduate students with custodial children, 和/or students who are married may reside off-校园. These students are required to abide by the same social 和 academic regulations as students residing on 校园.
万博地址二世 is a program for students 25 years 和 older. 万博地址二世 students are expected to abide by the 荣誉制度 和 all academic regulations.

Day Student Lounge. The Fain Langdale McDaniel Commuter Center is provided for commuting students 和 is located in the Montgomery Student Center, 210套房. It is a great place for having lunch, resting, socializing, meeting 和 studying throughout the day.
Exercise Facilities. Commuter students may use the physical exercise facilities located in Montgomery 和 in the Weisiger Center, the showers at any time, 和 the weight room 和 pool according to the hours posted each semester.
Mickel图书馆. With more than 160,800 physical resources 和 an inter-library loan system, Mickel图书馆 provides access to virtually any book or article you may need. The Converse Writing Center in Mickel图书馆 is also a great resource for students, from helping to polish a research paper to proofing a senior thesis.
参与. We encourage all of our students to attend 和 participate in our 校园 和 运动 事件. These are great opportunities to meet fellow students 和 show your Converse pride!
Voluntary Meal Plan Options. Commuter students are not required to have a meal plan but can add “Valkyries/Flex dollars” to their accounts. These Valkyries/Flex dollars can be used at Freshens 和 Gee Dining Room. You are also welcome to sign up for our voluntary meal plan options which offer you food 和 drink options at both Freshens 和 Gee Dining Room.
照顾孩子. No child care center is available on 校园 和 babysitting is not permitted in the residence halls.